All Classes and Interfaces

Simple abstract class for name server resolvers.
Actions attach to an Element and perform some task, often over time.
Static convenience methods for using pooled actions, intended for static import.
Adds an action to an actor.
Adds a listener to an actor.
Allows or disallows player actions.
Handles chat messages from players and changes their contents.
Server configuration definition.
Defines a (potentially dangerous) action that a player has done in the world.
A specialized 3x3 matrix that can represent sequences of 2D translations, scales, flips, rotations, and shears.
Executes an action only after all other actions on the actor at the time this action's target was set have finished.
Provides bit flag constants for alignment.
Sets the alpha for an actor's color (or a specified color), from the current alpha to the new alpha.
Type of ammo that a unit uses.
An implementation of the Application interface for Android.
A listener for special Android events such onActivityResult(...).
Class defining the configuration of an AndroidApplication.
An implementation of Graphics for Android.
An implementation of the Input interface for Android.
An Animation stores a list of objects representing an animated sequence, e.g.
Defines possible playback modes for an Animation.
Enumeration of possible Application types
An ApplicationListener is called when the Application is created, resumed, rendering, paused or destroyed.
GLSurfaceView.EGLConfigChooser implementation for GLES 1.x and 2.0.
An ordered or unordered map of objects.
Describes an asset to be loaded by its filename, type and AssetLoaderParameters.
Abstract base class for asset loaders.
Callback interface that will be invoked when the AssetManager loaded an asset.
Loads and stores assets like textures, bitmapfonts, tile maps, sounds, music and so on.
Base class for asynchronous AssetLoader instances.
Updates and stores attack indicators for the minimap.
A crafter that gains efficiency from attribute tiles.
High-level wrapper for the Soloud library.
Holds some static temporary variables, required due to some RoboVM bugs
The mode to slice a texture at.
Drawable that stores the size information but doesn't draw anything.
An extended BulletType for most ammo-based bullets shot from turrets and units.
Base batch class.
Handles control of bleeding edge builds.
Bezier<T extends Vector<T>>
Implementation of the Bezier curve.
Bias filter.
A bitset, without size limitation, allows comparison via bitwise operators to other bitfields.
A planet generator that provides no weather, height, color or bases.
Blending modes, can be instantiated to make custom blending.
Blinks the entire text in two different colors at once, without interpolation.
Stores special flags of blocks for easy querying.
Class used for indexing special target blocks for AI.
A class that represents compartmentalized tile entity state.
Generic building that produces other buildings.
Requires bloom shaders in 'bloomshaders' folder.
Template class for an unmoving shrinking bullet.
A resizable, ordered or unordered boolean array.
Encapsulates an axis aligned bounding box represented by a minimum and a maximum Vector.
Algorithm taken from TreeLayout.
Returns a list of points at integer coordinates for a line on a 2D grid, using the Bresenham algorithm.
BSpline<T extends Vector<T>>
Class with static helper methods to increase the speed of array/direct buffer and direct buffer/direct buffer transfers
Class for storing build plans.
Purely visual turret.
Class for holding special internal bullets.
A button is a Table with a checked state and additional style fields for pressed, unpressed, and checked.
The style for a button, see Button.
Manages a group of buttons to enforce a minimum and maximum number of checked buttons.
DataInput wrapper of ByteBuffer.
DataOutput wrapper of ByteBuffer.
A resizable, ordered or unordered byte array.
A tile which does not trigger change events and whose entity types are cached.
Cell<T extends Element>
A cell for a Table.
Liquid that draws cells in its puddle.
Fired when something in an actor has changed.
A checkbox is a button that contains an image indicating the checked or unchecked state and a label.
The style for a select box, see CheckBox.
A convenient 2D circle class.
Generated class.
Detects mouse over, mouse or finger touch presses, and clicks on an element.
Represents a TCP and optionally a UDP connection to a Server.
A color class, holding the r, g, b and alpha component as floats in the range [0,1].
Sets the actor's color (or a specified color), from the current to the new color.
Note that these color codes will only work on linux or mac terminals.
A general purpose class containing named colors that can be changed at will.
Parses command syntax.
Represents a TCP and optionally a UDP connection between a Client and a Server.
ConsT<T,E extends Throwable>
A cons that throws something.
A block in the process of construction.
Configurable BlockProducer variant.
An abstract class that defines a type of resource that a block can consume.
A ConsumeLiquidFilter that consumes specific coolant, selected based on stats.
A generator that just takes in certain items or liquids.
For mods.
Causes a block to explode when explosive items are moved into it.
Consumer class for blocks which consume power while being connected to a power graph.
A power consumer that only activates sometimes.
A power consumer that uses a dynamic amount of power.
Base class for a content type that is loaded in ContentLoader.
Loads all game content.
Do not rearrange, ever!
Basic continuous (line) bullet type that does not draw itself.
A turret that fires a continuous beam bullet with no reload or coolant necessary.
Control module.
Any block that has a proxy unit that can be controlled by a player.
An object that can be controlled with logic.
Computes the convex hull of a set of points using the monotone chain convex hull algorithm (aka Andrew's algorithm).
Encapsulates a separable 2D convolution kernel filter
Global references to all of Arc's core modules.
Selects X spawns from the core spawn pool.
Shader resolution parameter source.
Wraps a standard OpenGL ES Cubemap.
Enum to identify each side of a Cubemap
Used by a Cubemap to load the pixel data.
AssetLoader for Cubemap instances.
Allows a parent to set the area that is visible on a child actor to allow the child to cull when drawing itself.
This class represents a cumulative distribution.
Utility class for damaging in an area.
Delaunay triangulation.
Delays execution of an action or inserts a pause in a SequenceAction.
Queues any removals done after DelayedRemovalSeq.begin() is called to occur once DelayedRemovalSeq.end() is called.
Base class for an action that wraps another action.
A table that can be dragged and act as a modal window.
Simple class for handling Discord Rich Presence.
An interface for things that can be displayed when hovered over.
Interface for disposable resources.
Renders bitmap fonts using distance field textures, see the Distance Field Fonts wiki article for usage.
Detects mouse or finger touch drags on an element.
Causes a scroll pane to scroll when a drag goes outside the bounds of the scroll pane.
A drawable knows how to draw itself at a given rectangular size.
An implementation of custom rendering behavior for a crafter block.
This must be used in conjunction with another DrawBlock; it only draws outputs.
combined several DrawBlocks into one
Parameters for drawing a part in draw().
Extend to implement custom drawing behavior for a turret.
A simple implementation of the ear cutting algorithm to triangulate simple polygons without holes.
Moves the text vertically easing it into the final position.
Detects tap, long press, fling, pan, zoom, and pinch gestures on an actor.
A convenient 2D ellipse class, based on the circle class
Empty floor is *not* equivalent to air.
Represents the local end point of a connection.
Selects X spawns from the spawn pool.
EntityGroup<T extends mindustry.gen.Entityc>
Represents a group of a certain type of entity.
EnumSet<T extends Enum<T>>
Tiny array wrapper with a mask int for fast contains() checks.
Environmental flags for different types of locations.
Config class for special Erekir unit properties.
Represents a blank type of content that has an error.
Low level interface for receiving events.
Simple global event listener system.
Called when block building begins by placing down the ConstructBlock.
Called right before a block is destroyed.
Called when the player opens info for a specific block.
Called when a bullet damages a building.
Called when a building is directly killed by a bullet.
Called when a player or drone begins building something.
Called after a building's team changes.
Called when the client sends a chat message.
Called when the client game is first loaded.
Called when a specific building has its configuration changed.
Called when a connection is established to a client.
Called when a player sends a connection packet.
Called *after* all content has been initialized.
Called when a core block is placed/removed or its team is changed.
Called when a core receives ammo, but only when the tutorial is active!
Called when a player deposits items to a block.
Called *after* all the modded files have been added into Vars.tree
Called when a neoplasia (or other pressure-based block, from mods) reactor explodes due to pressure.
Called when the player places a line, mobile or desktop.
Consider using Menus.registerMenu instead.
Called after SoundControl registers its music.
Called when a player connects, but has not joined the game yet.
Called after player confirmed it has received world data and is ready to play.
Called after connecting; when a player receives world data and is ready to play.
Called before a player leaves the game.
Called when a sector is conquered, e.g.
Called when a sector is destroyed by waves when you're not there.
Called when a sector is destroyed by waves when you're not there.
Called when a player taps any tile.
Consider using Menus.registerTextInput instead.
Called *after* a tile has changed.
Called *before* a tile has changed.
Called when a turret receives ammo, but only when the tutorial is active!
Called when a unit is directly killed by a bullet.
Called when a unit is created in a reconstructor, factory or other unit.
Called when a unit is hit by a bullet.
Called when a unit is spawned by wave.
Called when a unit is dumped from any payload block.
Called when the player withdraws items from a block.
Called when the world begin to load, just set `generating = true`.
Called when a game begins and the world tiles are initiated.
Called when a game begins and the world tiles are loaded, just set `generating = false`.
Template class for a non-drawing bullet type that makes an explosion and disappears instantly.
A viewport that keeps the world aspect ratio by extending the world in one direction.
A FacedCubemapData holds a cubemap data definition based on a TextureData per face.
Fades the text's color from between colors or alphas.
Fades in a black overlay.
Configuration class that easily allows the user to fine tune the library's functionality.
Abstract text effect.
Extension of Font.Glyph with additional data exposed to the user.
Represents a file or directory on the filesystem, classpath, Android SD card, or Android assets directory.
Interface for classes the can map a file name to a Fi.
Collects files recursively, filtering by file name.
Provides standard access to the filesystem, classpath, Android SD card, and Android assets directory.
Indicates how to resolve a path to a file.
Handles files in a modded context.
This ResolutionStrategy will stretch the GLSurfaceView to full screen.
A ScalingViewport that uses Scaling.fill so it keeps the aspect ratio by scaling the world up to take the whole screen (some of the world may be off screen).
Fisheye distortion filter
A ScalingViewport that uses so it keeps the aspect ratio by scaling the world up to fit the screen, adding black bars (letterboxing) for the remaining space.
This ResolutionStrategy will place the GLSurfaceView with the given height and width in the center the screen.
An extension of Label that progressively shows the text as if it was being typed in real time, and allows the use of tokens in the following format: {TOKEN=PARAMETER}.
Simple listener for fancy label events.
An action that has a float, whose value is transitioned over time.
Track properties of a stream of float values.
This is a FrameBuffer variant backed by a float texture.
A resizable, ordered or unordered float array.
A TextureData implementation which should be used to create float textures.
general implementation: caching: 1.
AI/wave team only! This is used for wave support flyers.
Fired when an element gains or loses keyboard or scroll focus.
Highly experimental fog-of-war renderer.
Renders bitmap fonts.
Backing data for a Font.
Represents a single character in a font page.
Caches glyph geometry for a BitmapFont, providing a fast way to render static text.
AssetLoader for Font instances.
Parameter to be passed to AssetManager.load(String, Class, AssetLoaderParameters) if additional configuration is necessary for the Font.
Encapsulates OpenGL ES 2.0 frame buffer objects.
Encapsulates OpenGL ES 2.0 frame buffer objects.
Marker interface for internal messages.
Internal message to discover running servers.
Internal message to keep connections alive.
Internal message to determine round trip time.
Internal message to give the client the server assigned connection ID.
Internal message to give the server the client's UDP port.
Generates Font and Font.FontData instances from TrueType, OTF, and other FreeType supported fonts.
Font.FontData used for fonts generated via the FreeTypeFontGenerator.
Parameter container class that helps configure how FreeTypeFontGenerator.FreeTypeFontData and Font instances are generated.
Font smoothing algorithm.
Makes FreeTypeFontGenerator managable via AssetManager.
Creates Font instances from FreeType font files.
A truncated rectangular pyramid.
Fast approximate anti-aliasing filter.
Provides looped access to an array of Framebuffers.
Simple renderer that is capable of drawing textures onto the screen or into another buffer.
Base class for any single-pass filter.
Provides a way to beginCapture the rendered scene to an off-screen buffer and to apply a chain of effects on it before rendering to screen.
Defines preset rule sets.
Interface for handling game service across multiple platforms.
an input for generating at a certain coordinate.
Generates a scorch pixmap based on parameters.
InputProcessor implementation that detects gestures (tap, long press, fling, pan, zoom, pinch) and hands them to a GestureDetector.GestureListener.
Register an instance of this class with a GestureDetector to receive gestures such as taps, long presses, flings, panning or pinch zooming.
Records and saves GIFs.
Interface wrapping all the methods of OpenGL ES 2.0
Listener for GL errors detected by GLProfiler.
Encapsulates OpenGL ES 2.0 frame buffer objects.
Stores global logic variables for logic processors.
A TextureData implementation which should be used to create gl only textures.
When enabled, collects statistics about GL calls and checks for GL errors.
A simple GLSurfaceView sub-class that demonstrates how to perform OpenGL ES 2.0 rendering into a GL Surface.
Class representing an OpenGL texture by its target and handle.
Stores runs of glyphs for a piece of text.
Stores glyphs and positions for a piece of text which is a single color and does not span multiple lines.
Tints the text in a gradient pattern.
This interface encapsulates communication with the graphics processor.
Class describing the bits per pixel, depth buffer precision, stencil precision and number of MSAA samples.
Represents a mouse cursor.
A 2-dimensional hashmap that stores objects using an x/y coordinate.
2D scene graph node that may contain other actors.
To deal with HDPI monitors properly, use the glViewport and glScissor functions of this class instead of directly calling OpenGL yourself.
HDR filter.
a headless implementation of an application primarily intended to be used in servers
Basic interface for any block that produces heat.
A crafter that requires contact from heater blocks to craft.
Defines color and height for a planet mesh.
Hint interface for defining any sort of message appearing at the left.
Utility class for making HTTP requests.
Provides all HTTP methods to use when creating a Http.HttpRequest.
Defines the status of an HTTP request.
Exception returned when a 4xx or 5xx error is encountered.
A I18NBundle provides Locale-specific resources loaded from property files.
AssetLoader for I18NBundle instances.
Displays a Drawable, scaled various way within the widgets bounds.
A button with a child Image to display an image.
The style for an image button, see ImageButton.
In IndexBufferObject wraps OpenGL's index buffer functionality to be used in conjunction with VBOs.
IndexBufferObject wraps OpenGL's index buffer functionality to be used in conjunction with VBOs.
An IndexData instance holds index data.
Interface to the input facilities.
Enumeration of potentially available peripherals.
Parameters for text input.
Event for actor input: touch, mouse, keyboard, and scroll.
Types of low-level input events supported by scene2d.
Queues events that are later passed to the wrapped InputProcessor.
EventListener for low-level input events.
An InputProcessor that delegates to an ordered list of other InputProcessors.
An InputProcessor is used to receive input events from the keyboard and the touch screen (mouse on the desktop).
An action that has an int, whose value is transitioned over time.
Takes a Linear value in the range of 0-1 and outputs a (usually) non-Linear, interpolated value.
Class offering various static methods for intersection testing between different geometric objects.
Minimum translation required to separate two polygons.
An unordered map where the keys are ints and values are floats.
A low-garbage way to format bundle strings.
An unordered map where the keys and values are ints.
An unordered map that uses int keys.
Queue for ints.
A resizable, ordered or unordered int array.
An unordered set that uses int keys.
An IOSViewControllerListener can be added to an IOSApplication via IOSApplication.addViewControllerListener(IOSViewControllerListener).
An item image with text.
Incinerator that accepts only items and optionally requires a liquid, e.g.
Displays a list of items, e.g.
Resolver config provider that tries to extract the system's DNS servers from the JNDI DNS Service Provider.
Reads/writes Java objects to/from JSON, automatically.
Lightweight JSON parser.

The default behavior is to parse the JSON into a DOM containing JsonValue objects.
Container for a JSON object, array, string, double, long, boolean, or null.
Builder style API for emitting JSON.
Makes the text jumps and falls as if there was gravity.
An hsjon parser.
The ToString format.
Alias class of json arrays.
Alias class of whatever is used to store json maps (objects).
An unchecked exception to indicate that an input does not qualify as valid JSON.
Defines the known json types.
Stores keybinds.
An interface to store type-safe keybind definitions.
Represents an axis or a KeyCode.
A section represents a set of input binds, like controls for a specific player.
Enum for storing input codes of mouse, keyboard and controllers.
A text label, with optional word wrapping.
The style for a label, see Label.
Setter/getter enum for logic-controlled objects.
A turret that fires a continuous beam with a delay between shots.
"Compiles" a sequence of statements into instructions.
A variable "builder".
Dialog for selecting loadout at sector launch.
Stores constants for sorting layers.
Sets an actor's layout to enabled or disabled.
Any subclass of this will be removed upon world load.
This version does not read custom chunk data (<= 6).
This version did not read/write entity IDs to the save.
Lens flare effect.
Controls levels of brightness and contrast
Controls a building's state.
Binds the processor to a unit based on some filters.
Controls the unit based on some parameters.
Uses a unit to find something that may not be in its range.
A logic variable.
Renders overlay lights.
A better name for this class would be "fluid", but it's too late for that.
An ItemDisplay, but for liquids.
Taken from
Logic module.
An unordered map that uses long keys.
Queue for longs.
A resizable, ordered or unordered long array.
A statement is an intermediate representation of an instruction, to be used mostly in UI.
Reads and writes map files.
Handles and executes in-map objectives.
Build a certain amount of a block.
Command any unit to do anything.
Get a certain item in your core (through a block, not manually.)
Destroy all enemy core(s).
Produce a certain amount of units.
Wait until a logic flag is set.
Have a certain amount of item in your core.
For byte; treats it as a world label flag.
Base abstract class for any in-map objective.
Displays a circle on the minimap.
For String; indicates that a text area should be used.
Marker used for drawing UI to indicate something along with an objective.
Produce a specific piece of content in the tech tree (essentially research with different text).
For UnlockableContent; filters all un-researchable content.
Research a specific piece of content in the tech tree.
For float; multiplies the UI input by 60.
Displays a shape with an outline and color.
Displays text above a shape.
For Block; filters all un-buildable blocks.
Displays text at a location.
For float or similar data structures, such as Vec2; multiplies the UI input by Vars.tilesize.
Produce a certain amount of a unit.
For arrays or Seqs; does not create element rearrangement buttons.
Stores parameterized or array type information for convenience.
A 3x3 column major matrix; useful for 2D transforms.
Encapsulates a column major 4 by 4 matrix.
A GenericMesh that wraps and applies an additional transform to a generic mesh.
Packs pages of images using the maximal rectangles bin packing algorithm by Jukka Jylänki.
Represents a menu button definition.
Class for handling menus and notifications across the network.
A Mesh holds vertices composed of attributes specified by an array of VertexAttribute instances.
This class will load each contained TextureData to the chosen mipmap level.
Field template for unit types.
The headless backend does its best to mock elements.
The headless backend does its best to mock elements.
The headless backend does its best to mock elements.
Mod listing as a data class.
Represents a mod's state.
Mod metadata information.
Motion blur filter that draws the last frame (motion filter included) with a lower opacity.
Defines which function will be used to mix the two frames to produce motion blur effect.
Moves an actor to a relative position.
Applies custom movement to a bullet.
Moves an actor from its current position to a specific position.
Renders multiple particle effects at once.
The base class for any multi-pass filter.
A Music instance represents a streamed audio file.
AssetLoader for Music instances.
This is just a preset.
Networking implementation.
Used to be notified about connection events.
Delays the notification of the wrapped listener to simulate lag on incoming objects.
Wraps a listener and queues notifications as runnables.
Wraps a listener and processes notification events on a separate thread.
Controls how objects are transmitted over the network.
Normal filtered anti-aliasing filter.
A 3x3 grid of texture regions.
Drawable for a NinePatch.
Perlin noise implementation.
Indicates that a method return or field can be null.
An unordered map where the values are floats.
An unordered map where the values are ints.
Holds objective classes.
Defines a specific objective for a game.
An unordered map.
An unordered set where the keys are objects.
An ObjectMap that also stores keys in an Seq using the insertion order.
An ObjectSet that also stores keys in an Seq using the insertion order.
An overlay ore for a specific item type.
A type of floor that is overlaid on top of other floors.
Class for storing all packets.
Generic client connection event.
Generic client disconnection event.
Marks the beginning of a stream.
Executes a number of actions at the same time.
The most essential effect class.
Interface that specifies a path of type T within the window 0.0<=t<=1.0.
Data for a flow field to some set of destinations.
A priority queue.
Do not use this class!
Generic building that produces other buildings.
Class to keep track of the time and load (percentage of total time) a specific task takes.
Encapsulates a framebuffer with the ability to ping-pong between two buffers.
A Pixmap represents an image in memory.
Different pixel formats.
Writes Pixmaps to various formats.
Class based on, with many modifications
PNG encoder with compression.
AssetLoader for Pixmap instances.
Packs pixmaps into one or more pages to generate an atlas of pixmap instances.
Does bin packing by inserting to the right or below previously packed rectangles.
Choose the page and location for each rectangle.
Does bin packing by inserting in rows.
Defines a region of a pixmap, like a TextureRegion.
Various pixmap utilities.
A plane defined via a unit length normal and the distance from the origin, as you learned in your math class.
Enum specifying on which side a point lies respective to the plane and it's normal.
A SpriteBatch that projects sprites onto a plane in 3D space.
Defines a mesh that is rendered for a planet.
Parameters for rendering a solar system.
Defines a special type of mod that is always hidden.
A point in a 2D grid, with integer x and y coordinates
A point in a 3D grid, with integer x and y coordinates
Note that this requires several things: - A bullet with positive maxRange - A bullet with positive damage - Rotation
A continuous bullet type that only damages in a point.
Encapsulates a 2D polygon defined by it's vertices relative to an origin point (default of 0, 0).
A pool of objects that can be reused to avoid allocation.
Objects implementing this interface will have Pool.Poolable.reset() called when passed to
Stores a map of Pools by type for convenient static access.
Represents a point in 2-D space.
A priority queue.
Class for predicting shoot angles based on velocities of targets.
A progress bar is a widget that visually displays the progress of some activity or a value within given range.
The style for a progress bar, see ProgressBar.
PropertiesUtils is a helper class that allows you to load and store key/value pairs of an ObjectMap<String,String> with the same line-oriented syntax supported by java.util.Properties.
Defines a piece of content that can be published on the Workshop.
A basic quad tree.
Represents an object in a QuadTree.
A simple quaternion class.
A resizable, ordered array of objects with efficient add and remove at the beginning and end.
Stores sprites and draws them with a delay.
Implementation of Tony Hoare's quickselect algorithm.
Renders one particle effect repeatedly at specified angle intervals.
Tints the text in a rainbow pattern.
This class implements the xorshift128+ algorithm that is a very fast, top-quality 64-bit pseudo-random number generator.
Keeps track of X actions in Y units of time.
This ResolutionStrategy will maintain a given aspect ratio and stretch the GLSurfaceView to the maximum available screen size.
Encapsulates a ray having a starting position and a unit length direction.
A wrapper for DataInput with more concise method names and no IOExceptions.
Encapsulates a 2D rectangle defined by its corner point in the bottom left and its extents in x (width) and y (height).
Base class for actions that transition over time using the percent complete since the last frame.
Removes an action from an actor.
Removes an actor from the stage.
Removes a listener from an actor.
Note that this weapon requires a bullet with a positive maxRange.
Repeats an action a number of times or forever.
Will manipulate the GLSurfaceView.
A ByteArrayInputStream that can have its content bytes reset.
Ridged perlin noise implementation.
Sets the actor's rotation from its current value to a relative value.
Sets the actor's rotation from its current value to a specific value.
Defines current rules on how the game should function.
A team-specific ruleset.
A simple map for storing TeamRules in an efficient way without hashing.
An action that runs a Runnable.
This version only reads entities, no entity ID mappings.
Uses the legacy readWorldEntities function without entity IDs.
This version does not read custom chunk data.
Scales an actor's scale to a relative size.
Sets the actor's scale from its current value to a specific value.
Various scaling types for fitting one rectangle into another.
A viewport that scales the world using Scaling.
The base class for all events.
Handles schematics.
A stack of Rect objects to be used for clipping via GL20.glScissor(int, int, int, int).
Utilities for UI scale.
Wrapper for GifRecorder utility that attempts to dynamically resolve the class.
Class with static helper methods that provide access to the default OpenGL FrameBuffer.
A viewport where the world size is based on the size of the screen.
A group that scrolls a child widget using scrollbars and/or mouse or touch dragging.
The style for a scroll pane, see ScrollPane.
A small section of a planet.
A Segment is a line in 3-space having a staring and an ending position.
This class is for selecting a ranked element (kth ordered statistic) from an unordered list in faster time than sorting the whole array.
Manages selected objects.
Extracts a random list of items from an input item and an input liquid.
A resizable, ordered or unordered array of objects.
Renders multiple particle effects in sequence.
Executes a number of actions one at a time.
Indicates an error during serialization due to misconfiguration or during deserialization due to invalid input data.
Manages TCP and optionally UDP connections from many Clients.
A shader program encapsulates a vertex and fragment shader pair linked to form a shader program.
AssetLoader for Shader instances loaded from text files.
Shakes the text in a random pattern.
Blends water together with a standard floor.
Loads shared libraries from a natives jar file (desktop) or arm folders (Android).
Handles different types of bullet patterns for shooting.
A resizable, ordered or unordered short array.
Drips the text in a random pattern.
Moves an actor from its current size to a relative size.
Moves an actor from its current size to a specific size.
A slider is a horizontal indicator that allows a user to set a value.
The style for a slider, see Slider.
Guarantees that array entries provided by SnapshotSeq.begin() between indexes 0 and Seq.size at the time begin was called will not be modified until SnapshotSeq.end() is called.
Pump that makes liquid from solids and takes in power.
JNI bindings for the Soloud library.
Provides methods to sort arrays of objects.
Fast sorting implementation written by zxtej.
A Sound is a short audio clip that can be played numerous times in parallel.
Controls playback of multiple audio tracks.
AssetLoader to load Sound instances.
A simple class for playing a looping sound at a position.
Spawns a certain amount of units upon death.
A spawn group defines spawn information for a specific type of unit, with optional extra information like weapon equipped, ammo used, and status effects.
Selects X spawns from the spawn pool.
Encapsulates a 3D sphere with a center and a radius
Draws 2D images, optimized for geometry that does not change.
A stack is a container that sizes its children to its size and positions them at 0,0 on top of each other.
Describes one type of stat for content.
A specific category for a stat.
Hold and organizes a list of block stats.
Defines a unit of measurement for block stats.
A base interface for a value of a stat that is displayed.
Utilities for displaying certain stats in a table.
Provides utility methods to copy streams.
A ByteArrayOutputStream which avoids copying of the byte array if possible.
A ScalingViewport that uses Scaling.stretch so it does not keep the aspect ratio, the world is scaled to take the whole screen.
An ObjectMap with string keys and values.
A group that sizes and positions children using table constraints.
Higher priority blocks will always get targeted over those of lower priority, regardless of distance.
This class is only for displaying team lore in the content database.
Class for various team-based utilities.
Represents a block made by this team that was destroyed somewhere on the map.
Class for storing a list of TechNodes with some utility tree builder methods; context dependent.
Base class for actions that transition over time using the percent complete.
A multiple-line text input field, entirely based on TextField
A button with a child Label to display text.
The style for a text button, see TextButton.
A single-line text input field.
Interface for filtering characters entered into the text field.
Interface for listening to typed characters.
The style for a text field, see TextField.
TextFormatter is used by I18NBundle to perform argument replacement.
A Texture wraps a standard OpenGL ES texture.
OpenGL ES wrapper for TextureArray
Used by a TextureArray to load the pixel data.
Loads images from texture atlases created by TexturePacker.

A TextureAtlas must be disposed to free up the resources consumed by the backing textures.
Describes the region of a packed image and provides information about the original image before it was packed.
AssetLoader to load TextureAtlas instances.
Used by a Texture to load the pixel data.
AssetLoader for Texture instances.
Defines a rectangular area of a texture.
Drawable for a TextureRegion.
Unpacks a texture atlas into individual image files.
Utilities for threaded programming.
Draws a TextureRegion repeatedly to fill the area, instead of stretching it.
A tile container.
Executes tasks in the future on the main loop thread.
Runnable that can be scheduled on a Timer.
Multiplies the delta of an action.
Temporary stuff.
A listener that shows a tooltip element when another element is hovered over with the mouse.
Keeps track of an application's tooltips.
Determines how touch input events are distributed to an element and any children.
Sets the actor's touchability.
An on-screen joystick.
The style for a Touchpad.
A drawable that supports scale and rotation.
Moves an actor to a relative position.
A tree widget where each node has an icon, element, and child nodes.
The style for a TreeElement.
Class for specifying read/write methods for code generation.
Represents a building that has not been resolved yet.
Represents a unit that has not been resolved yet.
Lightweight UBJSON parser.

The default behavior is to parse the JSON into a DOM containing JsonValue objects.
Builder style API for emitting UBJSON.
Deprecated in iOS 5.0.
Deprecated in iOS 5.0.
Defines a pattern of behavior that an RTS-controlled unit should follow.
Utility class for unit and team interactions.
Updates and handles state of the campaign universe.
Base interface for an unlockable content type.
A runnable where anything might happen.
Thrown when a client sends invalid information.
Encapsulates a 2D vector.
Encapsulates a 3D vector.
Vector<T extends Vector<T>>
Encapsulates a general vector.
Convenience class for working with OpenGL vertex arrays.
A single vertex attribute defined by its number of components and its shader alias.
A VertexData implementation based on OpenGL vertex buffer objects.
A VertexData implementation that uses vertex buffer objects and vertex array objects.
A VertexData instance holds vertices for rendering with OpenGL.
Manages a Camera and determines how world coordinates are mapped to and from the screen.
Sets the actor's visibility.
Moves the text vertically in a sine wave pattern.
Effect that renders a basic shockwave.
A Group that participates in layout and provides a minimum, preferred, and maximum size.
Moves the text in a wind pattern.
A simple class keeping track of the mean of a stream of values within a certain window.
Component/entity for labels in world space.
Handles player state for sending to every connected player
Wraps an effect with some parameters.
A wrapper for DataOutput with more concise method names and no IOExceptions.
A FileHandle meant for easily representing and reading the contents of a zip/jar file.