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"Fires bursts of piercing, lightning-emitting bullets."

Property Value
Health 8750
Size 5x5
Build Time 40.83 seconds
Build Cost x800 x300 x400 x200 x500
Liquid Capacity 20 liquid units
Range 37.5 blocks
Inaccuracy 0 degrees
Firing Rate 0.6 /sec
Targets Air Yes
Targets Ground Yes
Ammo Surge Alloy
• 187.5 damage
• -70.0% building damage
• 4x pierce
• 20/sec interval bullets:
• 30 damage
• -75.0% building damage
• Shocked
Ammo Capacity 15 shots
Ammo Use 2 /shot
Optional Enhancements
Booster Water 15/sec
• 160% fire rate