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extends ReloadTurret

field type default notes
timerTarget int 1
targetInterval float 20.0 Ticks between attempt at finding a target.
newTargetInterval float -1.0 Target interval for when this turret already has a valid target. -1 = targetInterval
maxAmmo int 30 Maximum ammo units stored.
ammoPerShot int 1 Ammo units used per shot.
consumeAmmoOnce boolean true If true, ammo is only consumed once per shot regardless of bullet count.
heatRequirement float -1.0 Minimum input heat required to fire.
maxHeatEfficiency float 3.0 Maximum efficiency possible, if this turret uses heat.
inaccuracy float 0.0 Bullet angle randomness in degrees.
velocityRnd float 0.0 Fraction of bullet velocity that is random.
shootCone float 8.0 Maximum angle difference in degrees at which turret will still try to shoot.
shootX float 0.0 Turret shoot point.
shootY float -Infinity Turret shoot point.
xRand float 0.0 Random spread on the X axis.
minRange float 0.0 Minimum bullet range. Used for artillery only.
minWarmup float 0.0 Minimum warmup needed to fire.
accurateDelay boolean true If true, this turret will accurately target moving targets with respect to charge time.
moveWhileCharging boolean true If false, this turret can't move while charging.
warmupMaintainTime float 0.0 How long warmup is maintained even if this turret isn't shooting.
shoot ShootPattern new ShootPattern() pattern used for bullets
targetAir boolean true If true, this block targets air units.
targetGround boolean true If true, this block targets ground units and structures.
targetHealing boolean false If true, this block targets friend blocks, to heal them.
playerControllable boolean true If true, this turret can be controlled by players.
displayAmmoMultiplier boolean true If true, this block will display ammo multipliers in its stats (irrelevant for certain types of turrets).
targetUnderBlocks boolean true If false, 'under' blocks like conveyors are not targeted.
alwaysShooting boolean false If true, the turret will always shoot when it has ammo, regardless of targets in range or any control.
predictTarget boolean true Whether this turret predicts unit movement.
unitSort Sortf closest Function for choosing which unit to target.
unitFilter Boolf {code} Filter for types of units to attack.
buildingFilter Boolf underBullets Filter for types of buildings to attack.
heatColor Color ab3400ff Color of heat region drawn on top (if found)
shootEffect Effect null Optional override for all shoot effects.
smokeEffect Effect null Optional override for all smoke effects.
ammoUseEffect Effect none Effect created when ammo is used. Not optional.
shootSound Sound shoot Sound emitted when a single bullet is shot.
chargeSound Sound none Sound emitted when shoot.firstShotDelay is >0 and shooting begins.
soundPitchMin float 0.9 Range for pitch of shoot sound.
soundPitchMax float 1.1 Range for pitch of shoot sound.
ammoEjectBack float 1.0 Backwards Y offset of ammo eject effect.
shootWarmupSpeed float 0.1 Lerp speed of turret warmup.
linearWarmup boolean false If true, turret warmup is linear instead of a curve.
recoil float 1.0 Visual amount by which the turret recoils back per shot.
recoils int -1 Number of additional counters for recoil.
recoilTime float -1.0 ticks taken for turret to return to starting position in ticks. uses reload time by default
recoilPow float 1.8 power curve applied to visual recoil
cooldownTime float 20.0 ticks to cool down the heat region
elevation float -1.0 Visual elevation of turret shadow, -1 to use defaults.
shake float 0.0 How much the screen shakes per shot.
drawer DrawBlock new DrawTurret() Defines drawing behavior for this turret.