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extends Block

field type default notes
outputItem ItemStack null Written to outputItems as a single-element array if outputItems is null.
outputItems ItemStack[] null Overwrites outputItem if not null.
outputLiquid LiquidStack null Written to outputLiquids as a single-element array if outputLiquids is null.
outputLiquids LiquidStack[] null Overwrites outputLiquid if not null.
liquidOutputDirections int[] { -1 } Liquid output directions, specified in the same order as outputLiquids. Use -1 to dump in every direction. Rotations are relative to block.
dumpExtraLiquid boolean true if true, crafters with multiple liquid outputs will dump excess when there's still space for at least one liquid type
ignoreLiquidFullness boolean false
craftTime float 80.0
craftEffect Effect none
updateEffect Effect none
updateEffectChance float 0.04
warmupSpeed float 0.019
legacyReadWarmup boolean false Only used for legacy cultivator blocks.
drawer DrawBlock new DrawDefault()