Class ContinuousTurret.ContinuousTurretBuild

All Implemented Interfaces:
Position, QuadTree.QuadTreeObject, Sized, mindustry.gen.Buildingc, mindustry.gen.Entityc, mindustry.gen.Healthc, mindustry.gen.Posc, mindustry.gen.Teamc, mindustry.gen.Timerc, Controllable, Ranged, Senseable, Settable, Displayable, ControlBlock
Direct Known Subclasses:
Enclosing class:

public class ContinuousTurret.ContinuousTurretBuild extends Turret.TurretBuild
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type

    Fields inherited from class


    Fields inherited from class


    Fields inherited from class mindustry.gen.Building

    added, block, bulletDamageEvent, cdump, dead, dumpAccum, efficiency, enabled, healSuppressionTime, health, hitDuration, hitTime, id, index__all, index__build, initialized, items, lastAccessed, lastDamageTime, lastDisabler, lastHealTime, liquids, maxHealth, optionalEfficiency, payloadRotation, potentialEfficiency, power, proximity, recentDamageTime, sleeping, sleepingEntities, sleepTime, sound, team, teamChangeEvent, tempBuilds, tile, timer, timeScale, timeScaleDuration, timeToSleep, tmpTiles, visibleFlags, visualLiquid, wasDamaged, wasVisible, x, y

    Fields inherited from interface mindustry.logic.Senseable

  • Constructor Summary

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    protected void
    handleBullet(mindustry.gen.Bullet bullet, float offsetX, float offsetY, float angleOffset)
    read(Reads read, byte revision)
    protected void
    turnToTarget(float targetRot)
    protected void
    protected void
    protected void
    protected void
    Consume ammo and return a type.
    write(Writes write)

    Methods inherited from class


    Methods inherited from class


    Methods inherited from class mindustry.gen.Building

    absorbLasers, acceptItem, acceptLiquid, acceptPayload, acceptStack, add, addPlan, addPlan, afterDestroyed, afterPickedUp, afterRead, allowUpdate, ambientVolume, applyBoost, applyHealSuppression, applySlowdown, as, back, block, block, blockOn, buildConfiguration, buildOn, calculateHeat, calculateHeat, canConsume, canControlSelect, canDump, canDumpLiquid, canPickup, canResupply, canUnload, canWithdraw, cdump, cdump, changeTeam, cheating, checkSolid, checkSuppression, clampHealth, classId, closestCore, closestEnemyCore, collide, collision, conductsTo, config, configTapped, configure, configureAny, configured, consume, consumeTriggerValid, core, create, create, created, damage, damage, damage, damage, damageContinuous, damageContinuousPierce, damaged, damagePierce, damagePierce, dead, dead, delta, deselect, display, displayBars, displayConsumption, drawConfigure, drawCracks, drawDisabled, drawLight, drawLiquidLight, drawStatus, drawTeam, drawTeamTop, dropped, dump, dump, dumpAccumulate, dumpAccumulate, dumpLiquid, dumpLiquid, dumpLiquid, dumpPayload, edelta, efficiency, efficiency, efficiencyScale, enabled, enabled, explosionItemCap, findClosestEdge, floor, floorOn, flowItems, fogRadius, front, getCommandPosition, getCursor, getDisplayEfficiency, getDisplayIcon, getDisplayName, getLiquidDestination, getMaximumAccepted, getPayload, getPayloads, getPowerConnections, getPowerProduction, getProgressIncrease, getStackOffset, getX, getY, handleDamage, handleItem, handlePayload, handleStack, handleString, handleUnitPayload, heal, heal, healFract, healSuppressionTime, healSuppressionTime, health, health, healthChanged, healthf, hitbox, hitSize, hitTime, hitTime, id, id, incrementDump, inFogTo, init, interactable, isAdded, isDiscovered, isHealSuppressed, isInsulated, isLocal, isNull, isPayload, isRemote, isValid, items, items, itemTaken, kill, killed, lastAccessed, lastAccessed, lastDisabler, lastDisabler, lastHealTime, lastHealTime, left, liquids, liquids, maxHealth, maxHealth, moduleBitmask, moveForward, moveLiquid, moveLiquidForward, movePayload, nearby, nearby, noSleep, offload, onCommand, onConfigureBuildTapped, onConfigureClosed, onConfigureTapped, onControlSelect, onDestroyed, onProximityAdded, onProximityRemoved, onProximityUpdate, onRemoved, onSolid, optionalEfficiency, optionalEfficiency, overwrote, payloadCheck, payloadDraw, payloadRotation, payloadRotation, pickedUp, placed, playerPlaced, pos, potentialEfficiency, potentialEfficiency, power, power, powerGraphRemoved, produced, produced, productionValid, proximity, proximity, put, read, readAll, readBase, recentlyHealed, relativeTo, relativeTo, relativeTo, relativeToEdge, remove, removeFromProximity, removeStack, right, rotation, rotation, rotdeg, self, sense, senseObject, serialize, set, set, setIndex__all, setIndex__build, setProp, setProp, setProp, shouldAmbientSound, shouldHideConfigure, shouldShowConfigure, sleep, status, takePayload, tapped, team, team, tile, tile, tileOn, tileX, tileY, timer, timer, timer, timeScale, toString, totalProgress, transferLiquid, trns, trns, unitOn, unitRemoved, update, updateConsumption, updatePayload, updatePowerGraph, updateProximity, updateTableAlign, visibleFlags, visibleFlags, visualLiquid, visualLiquid, wasDamaged, wasDamaged, wasRecentlyDamaged, wasRecentlyHealed, wasVisible, wasVisible, writeAll, writeBase, x, x, y, y

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

    Methods inherited from interface

    isControlled, shouldAutoTarget

    Methods inherited from interface mindustry.ui.Displayable


    Methods inherited from interface mindustry.gen.Entityc

    afterRead, as, classId, id, id, isAdded, isLocal, isNull, isRemote, read, self, serialize

    Methods inherited from interface mindustry.gen.Posc

    blockOn, buildOn, floorOn, getX, getY, onSolid, set, set, tileOn, trns, trns, x, x, y, y

    Methods inherited from interface arc.math.geom.Position

    angleTo, angleTo, dst, dst, dst2, dst2, within, within

    Methods inherited from interface mindustry.gen.Teamc

    cheating, closestCore, closestEnemyCore, core, team, team