Class I18NBundleLoader

AssetLoader for I18NBundle instances. The I18NBundle is loaded asynchronously.

Notice that you can't load two bundles with the same base name and different locale or encoding using the same AssetManager. For example, if you try to load the 2 bundles below

 manager.load("i18n/message", I18NBundle.class, new I18NBundleParameter(Locale.ITALIAN));
 manager.load("i18n/message", I18NBundle.class, new I18NBundleParameter(Locale.ENGLISH));

the English bundle won't be loaded because the asset manager thinks they are the same bundle since they have the same name. There are 2 use cases:

  • If you want to load the English bundle so to replace the Italian bundle you have to unload the Italian bundle first.
  • If you want to load the English bundle without replacing the Italian bundle you should use another asset manager.