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"Fires explosive clumps of flak at nearby enemies."

Property Value
Health 1305
Size 3x3
Build Time 5.48 seconds
Build Cost x200 x125 x80
Liquid Capacity 20 liquid units
Range 25 blocks
Inaccuracy 10 degrees
Firing Rate 7.5 /sec
Targets Air Yes
Targets Ground Yes
Ammo Metaglass
• 6 damage
• 45 area dmg ~ 3.1 tiles
• 2 ammo/item
• -20.0% fire rate
• 4x frag bullets:
• 12 damage
• 8 damage
• 37 area dmg ~ 5.0 tiles
• 4 ammo/item
• 6x frag bullets:
• 12 damage
Surge Alloy
• 13 damage
• 75 area dmg ~ 4.7 tiles
• 5 ammo/item
• 2x lightning ~ 13 damage
• Shocked
Blast Compound
• 8 damage
• 45 area dmg ~ 7.5 tiles
• 5 ammo/item
• Blasted
Ammo Capacity 30 shots
Optional Enhancements
Booster Water 18/sec
• 160% fire rate Cryofluid 18/sec
• 235% fire rate