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extends Object

field type default notes
name String __typeofWeapon displayed weapon region
bullet BulletType placeholder bullet shot
ejectEffect Effect none shell ejection effect
display boolean true whether weapon should appear in the stats of a unit with this weapon
useAmmo boolean true whether to consume ammo when ammo is enabled in rules
mirror boolean true whether to create a flipped copy of this weapon upon initialization. default: true
flipSprite boolean false whether to flip the weapon's sprite when rendering. internal use only - do not set!
alternate boolean true whether to shoot the weapons in different arms one after another, rather than all at once; only valid when mirror = true
rotate boolean false whether to rotate toward the target independently of unit
showStatSprite boolean true Whether to show the sprite of the weapon in the database.
baseRotation float 0.0 rotation at which this weapon starts at. TODO buggy!
top boolean true whether to draw the outline on top.
continuous boolean false whether to hold the bullet in place while firing; it will still require reload.
alwaysContinuous boolean false whether this weapon uses continuous fire without reloading; implies continuous = true
aimChangeSpeed float Infinity Speed at which the turret can change its bullet "aim" distance. This is only used for point laser bullets.
controllable boolean true whether this weapon can be aimed manually by players
aiControllable boolean true whether this weapon can be automatically aimed by the unit
alwaysShooting boolean false whether this weapon is always shooting, regardless of targets ore cone
autoTarget boolean false whether to automatically target relevant units in update(); only works when controllable = false.
predictTarget boolean true whether to perform target trajectory prediction
useAttackRange boolean true if true, this weapon is used for attack range calculations
targetInterval float 40.0 ticks to wait in-between targets
targetSwitchInterval float 70.0 ticks to wait in-between targets
rotateSpeed float 20.0 rotation speed of weapon when rotation is enabled, in degrees/t
reload float 1.0 weapon reload in frames
inaccuracy float 0.0 inaccuracy of degrees of each shot
shake float 0.0 intensity and duration of each shot's screen shake
recoil float 1.5 visual weapon knockback.
recoils int -1 Number of additional counters for recoil.
recoilTime float -1.0 time taken for weapon to return to starting position in ticks. uses reload time by default
recoilPow float 1.8 power curve applied to visual recoil
cooldownTime float 20.0 ticks to cool down the heat region
shootX float 0.0 projectile/effect offsets from center of weapon
shootY float 3.0 projectile/effect offsets from center of weapon
x float 5.0 offsets of weapon position on unit
y float 0.0 offsets of weapon position on unit
xRand float 0.0 Random spread on the X axis.
shoot ShootPattern new ShootPattern() pattern used for bullets
shadow float -1.0 radius of shadow drawn under the weapon; <0 to disable
velocityRnd float 0.0 fraction of velocity that is random
shootCone float 5.0 The half-radius of the cone in which shooting will start.
rotationLimit float 361.0 Cone in which the weapon can rotate relative to its mount.
minWarmup float 0.0 minimum weapon warmup before firing (this is not linear, do NOT use 1!)
shootWarmupSpeed float 0.1 lerp speed for shoot warmup, only used for parts
smoothReloadSpeed float 0.15 lerp speed for shoot warmup, only used for parts
linearWarmup boolean false If true, shoot warmup is linear instead of a curve.
soundPitchMin float 0.8 random sound pitch range
soundPitchMax float 1.0 random sound pitch range
ignoreRotation boolean false whether shooter rotation is ignored when shooting.
noAttack boolean false If true, this weapon cannot be used to attack targets.
minShootVelocity float -1.0 min velocity required for this weapon to shoot
parentizeEffects boolean false should the shoot effects follow the unit (effects need followParent set to true for this to work)
otherSide int -1 internal value used for alternation - do not change!
layerOffset float 0.0 draw Z offset relative to the default value
shootSound Sound pew sound used for shooting
chargeSound Sound none sound used for weapons that have a delay
noAmmoSound Sound noammo sound played when there is nothing to shoot
region TextureRegion null displayed region (autoloaded)
heatRegion TextureRegion null heat region, must be same size as region (optional)
cellRegion TextureRegion null cell region, must be same size as region (optional)
outlineRegion TextureRegion null outline region to display if top is false
heatColor Color ab3400ff heat region tint
shootStatus StatusEffect none status effect applied when shooting
mountType Func WeaponMount::new type of weapon mount to be used
shootStatusDuration float 300.0 status effect duration when shot
shootOnDeath boolean false whether this weapon should fire when its owner dies
parts Seq class) extra animated parts