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extends Ability

field type default notes
radius float 60.0 Shield radius.
regen float 0.1 Shield regen speed in damage/tick.
max float 200.0 Maximum shield.
cooldown float 300.0 Cooldown after the shield is broken, in ticks.
angle float 80.0 Angle of shield arc.
angleOffset float 0.0 Offset parameters for shield.
x float 0.0 Offset parameters for shield.
y float 0.0 Offset parameters for shield.
whenShooting boolean true If true, only activates when shooting.
width float 6.0 Width of shield line.
drawArc boolean true Whether to draw the arc line.
region String null If not null, will be drawn on top.
color Color null Color override of the shield. Uses unit shield colour by default.
offsetRegion boolean false If true, sprite position will be influenced by x/y.