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extends Ability

field type default notes
damage float 35.0 Lightning damage
chance float 0.15 Chance of firing every tick. Set >= 1 to always fire lightning every tick at max speed
length int 12 Length of the lightning. <= 0 to disable
minSpeed float 0.8 Speeds for when to start lightninging and when to stop getting faster
maxSpeed float 1.2 Speeds for when to start lightninging and when to stop getting faster
color Color a9d8ffff Lightning color
y float 0.0 Shifts where the lightning spawns along the Y axis
x float 0.0 Offset along the X axis
alternate boolean true Whether the spawn side alternates
heatRegion String "error" Jittering heat sprite like the shield on v5 Javelin
bullet BulletType null Bullet type that is fired. Can be null
bulletAngle float 0.0 Bullet angle parameters
bulletSpread float 0.0 Bullet angle parameters
shootEffect Effect sparkShoot
parentizeEffects boolean false
shootSound Sound spark