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extends UnlockableContent

A better name for this class would be "fluid", but it's too late for that.

field type default notes
gas boolean false If true, this fluid is treated as a gas (and does not create puddles)
color Color 000000ff Color used in pipes and on the ground.
gasColor Color bfbfbfff Color of this liquid in gas form.
barColor Color null Color used in bars.
lightColor Color 00000000 Color used to draw lights. Note that the alpha channel is used to dictate brightness.
flammability float 0.0 0-1, 0 is completely not flammable, anything above that may catch fire when exposed to heat, 0.5+ is very flammable.
temperature float 0.5 temperature: 0.5 is 'room' temperature, 0 is very cold, 1 is molten hot
heatCapacity float 0.5 how much heat this liquid can store. 0.4=water (decent), anything lower is probably less dense and bad at cooling.
viscosity float 0.5 how thick this liquid is. 0.5=water (relatively viscous), 1 would be something like tar (very slow).
explosiveness float 0.0 how prone to exploding this liquid is, when heated. 0 = nothing, 1 = nuke
blockReactive boolean true whether this fluid reacts in blocks at all (e.g. slag with water)
coolant boolean true if false, this liquid cannot be a coolant
moveThroughBlocks boolean false if true, this liquid can move through blocks as a puddle.
incinerable boolean true if true, this liquid can be incinerated in the incinerator block.
effect StatusEffect none The associated status effect.
particleEffect Effect none Effect shown in puddles.
particleSpacing float 60.0 Particle effect rate spacing in ticks.
boilPoint float 2.0 Temperature at which this liquid vaporizes. This isn't just boiling.
capPuddles boolean true If true, puddle size is capped.
vaporEffect Effect vapor Effect when this liquid vaporizes.
hidden boolean false If true, this liquid is hidden in most UI.
canStayOn ObjectSet new ObjectSet<>() Liquids this puddle can stay on, e.g. oil on water.