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extends Block

field type default notes
edge String "stone" edge fallback, used mainly for ores
speedMultiplier float 1.0 Multiplies unit velocity by this when walked on.
dragMultiplier float 1.0 Multiplies unit drag by this when walked on.
damageTaken float 0.0 Damage taken per tick on this tile.
drownTime float 0.0 How many ticks it takes to drown on this. 0 to disable.
walkEffect Effect none Effect when walking on this floor.
walkSound Sound none Sound made when walking.
walkSoundVolume float 0.1 Volume of sound made when walking.
walkSoundPitchMin float 0.8 Volume of sound made when walking.
walkSoundPitchMax float 1.2 Volume of sound made when walking.
drownUpdateEffect Effect bubble Effect displayed when drowning on this floor.
status StatusEffect none Status effect applied when walking on.
statusDuration float 60.0 Intensity of applied status effect.
liquidDrop Liquid null liquids that drop from this block, used for pumps.
liquidMultiplier float 1.0 Multiplier for pumped liquids, used for deep water.
isLiquid boolean false whether this block is liquid.
overlayAlpha float 0.65 for liquid floors, this is the opacity of the overlay drawn on top.
supportsOverlay boolean false whether this floor supports an overlay floor
shallow boolean false shallow water flag used for generation
blendGroup Block this Group of blocks that this block does not draw edges on.
oreDefault boolean false Whether this ore generates in maps by default.
oreScale float 24.0 Ore generation params.
oreThreshold float 0.828 Ore generation params.
wall Block air Wall variant of this block. May be Blocks.air if not found.
decoration Block air Decoration block. Usually a rock. May be air.
canShadow boolean true Whether units can draw shadows over this.
needsSurface boolean true Whether this overlay needs a surface to be on. False for floating blocks, like spawns.
allowCorePlacement boolean false If true, cores can be placed on this floor.
wallOre boolean false If true, this ore is allowed on walls.
blendId int -1 Actual ID used for blend groups. Internal.