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extends Block

field type default notes
hardnessDrillMultiplier float 50.0
tier int 0 Maximum tier of blocks this drill can mine.
drillTime float 300.0 Base time to drill one ore, in frames.
liquidBoostIntensity float 1.6 How many times faster the drill will progress when boosted by liquid.
warmupSpeed float 0.015 Speed at which the drill speeds up.
blockedItem Item null Special exemption item that this drill can't mine.
drawMineItem boolean true Whether to draw the item this drill is mining.
drillEffect Effect mine Effect played when an item is produced. This is colored.
drillEffectRnd float -1.0 Drill effect randomness. Block size by default.
drillEffectChance float 1.0 Chance of displaying the effect. Useful for extremely fast drills.
rotateSpeed float 2.0 Speed the drill bit rotates at.
updateEffect Effect pulverizeSmall Effect randomly played while drilling.
updateEffectChance float 0.02 Chance the update effect will appear.
drillMultipliers ObjectFloatMap new ObjectFloatMap<>() Multipliers of drill speed for each item. Defaults to 1.
drawRim boolean false
drawSpinSprite boolean true
heatColor Color ff5512ff
rimRegion TextureRegion null
rotatorRegion TextureRegion null
topRegion TextureRegion null
itemRegion TextureRegion null