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extends UnlockableContent

field type default notes
hasItems boolean false If true, buildings have an ItemModule.
hasLiquids boolean false If true, buildings have a LiquidModule.
hasPower boolean false If true, buildings have a PowerModule.
outputsLiquid boolean false Flag for determining whether this block outputs liquid somewhere; used for connections.
consumesPower boolean true Used by certain power blocks (nodes) to flag as non-consuming of power. True by default, even if this block has no power.
outputsPower boolean false If true, this block is a generator that can produce power.
connectedPower boolean true If false, power nodes cannot connect to this block.
conductivePower boolean false If true, this block can conduct power like a cable.
outputsPayload boolean false If true, this block can output payloads; affects blending.
acceptsPayloads boolean false If true, this block can input payloads; affects unit payload enter behavior.
acceptsPayload boolean false If true, payloads will attempt to move into this block.
acceptsItems boolean false Visual flag use for blending of certain transportation blocks.
separateItemCapacity boolean false If true, all item capacities of this block are separate instead of pooled as one number.
itemCapacity int 10 maximum items this block can carry (usually, this is per-type of item)
liquidCapacity float 10.0 maximum total liquids this block can carry if hasLiquids = true
liquidPressure float 1.0 higher numbers increase liquid output speed; TODO remove and replace with better liquids system
outputFacing boolean true If true, this block outputs to its facing direction, when applicable. Used for blending calculations.
noSideBlend boolean false if true, this block does not accept input from the sides (used for armored conveyors)
displayFlow boolean true whether to display flow rate
inEditor boolean true whether this block is visible in the editor
lastConfig Object null the last configuration value applied to this block.
saveConfig boolean false whether to save the last config and apply it to newly placed blocks
copyConfig boolean true whether to allow copying the config through middle click
clearOnDoubleTap boolean false if true, double-tapping this configurable block clears configuration.
update boolean false whether this block has a tile entity that updates
destructible boolean false whether this block has health and can be destroyed
unloadable boolean true whether unloaders work on this block
isDuct boolean false if true, this block acts a duct and will connect to armored ducts from the side.
allowResupply boolean false whether units can resupply by taking items from this block
solid boolean false whether this is solid
solidifes boolean false whether this block CAN be solid.
teamPassable boolean false if true, this counts as a non-solid block to this team.
underBullets boolean false if true, this block cannot be hit by bullets unless explicitly targeted.
rotate boolean false whether this is rotatable
rotateDraw boolean true if rotate is true and this is false, the region won't rotate when drawing
lockRotation boolean true if rotate = false and this is true, rotation will be locked at 0 when placing (default); advanced use only
invertFlip boolean false if true, schematic flips with this block are inverted.
variants int 0 number of different variant regions to use
drawArrow boolean true whether to draw a rotation arrow - this does not apply to lines of blocks
drawTeamOverlay boolean true whether to draw the team corner by default
saveData boolean false for static blocks only: if true, tile data() is saved in world data.
breakable boolean false whether you can break this with rightclick
rebuildable boolean true whether to add this block to brokenblocks
privileged boolean false if true, this logic-related block can only be used with privileged processors (or is one itself)
requiresWater boolean false whether this block can only be placed on water
placeableLiquid boolean false whether this block can be placed on any liquids, anywhere
placeablePlayer boolean true whether this block can be placed directly by the player via PlacementFragment
placeableOn boolean true whether this floor can be placed on.
insulated boolean false whether this block has insulating properties.
squareSprite boolean true whether the sprite is a full square.
absorbLasers boolean false whether this block absorbs laser attacks.
enableDrawStatus boolean true if false, the status is never drawn
drawDisabled boolean true whether to draw disabled status
autoResetEnabled boolean true whether to automatically reset enabled status after a logic block has not interacted for a while.
noUpdateDisabled boolean false if true, the block stops updating when disabled
updateInUnits boolean true if true, this block updates when it's a payload in a unit.
alwaysUpdateInUnits boolean false if true, this block updates in payloads in units regardless of the experimental game rule
deconstructDropAllLiquid boolean false if false, only incinerable liquids are dropped when deconstructing; otherwise, all liquids are dropped.
useColor boolean true Whether to use this block's color in the minimap. Only used for overlays.
itemDrop Item null item that drops from this block, used for drills
playerUnmineable boolean false if true, this block cannot be mined by players. useful for annoying things like sand.
attributes Attributes new Attributes() Array of affinities to certain things.
scaledHealth float -1.0 Health per square tile that this block occupies; essentially, this is multiplied by size * size. Overridden if health is > 0. If <0, the default is 40.
health int -1 building health; -1 to use scaledHealth
armor float 0.0 damage absorption, similar to unit armor
baseExplosiveness float 0.0 base block explosiveness
destroyBullet BulletType null bullet that this block spawns when destroyed
destroyBulletSameTeam boolean false if true, destroyBullet is spawned on the block's team instead of Derelict team
lightLiquid Liquid null liquid used for lighting
drawCracks boolean true whether cracks are drawn when this block is damaged
createRubble boolean true whether rubble is created when this block is destroyed
floating boolean false whether this block can be placed on edges of liquids.
size int 1 multiblock size
offset float 0.0 multiblock offset
sizeOffset int 0 offset for iteration (internal use only)
clipSize float -1.0 Clipping size of this block. Should be as large as the block will draw.
placeOverlapRange float 50.0 When placeRangeCheck is enabled, this is the range checked for enemy blocks.
crushDamageMultiplier float 1.0 Multiplier of damage dealt to this block by tanks. Does not apply to crawlers.
timers int 1 Max of timers used.
cacheLayer CacheLayer normal Cache layer. Only used for 'cached' rendering.
fillsTile boolean true Special flag; if false, floor will be drawn under this block even if it is cached.
forceDark boolean false If true, this block can be covered by darkness / fog even if synthetic.
alwaysReplace boolean false whether this block can be replaced in all cases
replaceable boolean true if false, this block can never be replaced.
group BlockGroup none The block group. Unless {@link #canReplace} is overridden, blocks in the same group can replace each other.
flags EnumSet of() List of block flags. Used for AI indexing.
priority float 0.0 Targeting priority of this block, as seen by enemies.
unitCapModifier int 0 How much this block affects the unit cap by. The block flags must contain unitModifier in order for this to work.
configurable boolean false Whether the block can be tapped and selected to configure.
ignoreResizeConfig boolean false If true, this block does not have pointConfig with a transform called on map resize.
commandable boolean false If true, this building can be selected like a unit when commanding.
allowConfigInventory boolean true If true, the building inventory can be shown with the config.
selectionRows int 5 Defines how large selection menus, such as that of sorters, should be.
selectionColumns int 4 Defines how large selection menus, such as that of sorters, should be.
logicConfigurable boolean false If true, this block can be configured by logic.
consumesTap boolean false Whether this block consumes touchDown events when tapped.
drawLiquidLight boolean true Whether to draw the glow of the liquid for this block, if it has one.
envRequired int 0 Environmental flags that are all required for this block to function. 0 = any environment
envEnabled int 1 The environment flags that this block can function in. If the env matches any of these, it will be enabled.
envDisabled int 0 The environment flags that this block cannot function in. If the env matches any of these, it will be disabled.
sync boolean false Whether to periodically sync this block across the network.
conveyorPlacement boolean false Whether this block uses conveyor-type placement mode.
allowDiagonal boolean true If false, diagonal placement (ctrl) for this block is not allowed.
swapDiagonalPlacement boolean false Whether to swap the diagonal placement modes.
allowRectanglePlacement boolean false Whether to allow rectangular placement, as opposed to a line.
schematicPriority int 0 Build queue priority in schematics.
mapColor Color 000000ff The color of this block when displayed on the minimap or map preview. Do not set manually! This is overridden when loading for most blocks.
hasColor boolean false Whether this block has a minimap color.
targetable boolean true Whether units target this block.
attacks boolean false If true, this block attacks and is considered a turret in the indexer. Building must implement Ranged.
suppressable boolean false If true, this block is mending-related and can be suppressed with special units/missiles.
canOverdrive boolean true Whether the overdrive core has any effect on this block.
outlineColor Color 404049ff Outlined icon color.
outlineIcon boolean false Whether any icon region has an outline added.
outlineRadius int 4 Outline icon radius.
outlinedIcon int -1 Which of the icon regions gets the outline added. Uses last icon if <= 0.
hasShadow boolean true Whether this block has a shadow under it.
customShadow boolean false If true, a custom shadow (name-shadow) is drawn under this block.
placePitchChange boolean true Should the sound made when this block is built change in pitch.
breakPitchChange boolean true Should the sound made when this block is deconstructed change in pitch.
placeSound Sound place Sound made when this block is built.
breakSound Sound breaks Sound made when this block is deconstructed.
destroySound Sound boom Sounds made when this block is destroyed.
albedo float 0.0 How reflective this block is.
lightColor Color ffffffff Environmental passive light color.
emitLight boolean false Whether this environmental block passively emits light. Does not change behavior for non-environmental blocks, but still updates clipSize.
lightRadius float 60.0 Radius of the light emitted by this block.
fogRadius int -1 How much fog this block uncovers, in tiles. Cannot be dynamic. <= 0 to disable.
loopSound Sound none The sound that this block makes while active. One sound loop. Do not overuse.
loopSoundVolume float 0.5 Active sound base volume.
ambientSound Sound none The sound that this block makes while idle. Uses one sound loop for all blocks.
ambientSoundVolume float 0.05 Idle sound base volume.
requirements ItemStack[] [] Cost of constructing this block.
category Category distribution Category in place menu.
buildCost float 20.0 Time to build this block in ticks; do not modify directly!
buildVisibility BuildVisibility hidden Whether this block is visible and can currently be built.
buildCostMultiplier float 1.0 Multiplier for speed of building this block.
deconstructThreshold float 0.0 Build completion at which deconstruction finishes.
instantDeconstruct boolean false If true, this block deconstructs immediately. Instant deconstruction implies no resource refund.
instantBuild boolean false If true, this block constructs immediately. This implies no resource requirement, and ignores configs - do not use, this is for performance only!
placeEffect Effect placeBlock Effect for placing the block. Passes size as rotation.
breakEffect Effect breakBlock Effect for breaking the block. Passes size as rotation.
destroyEffect Effect dynamicExplosion Effect for destroying the block.
researchCostMultiplier float 1.0 Multiplier for cost of research in tech tree.
researchCostMultipliers ObjectFloatMap new ObjectFloatMap<>() Cost multipliers per-item.
researchCost ItemStack[] null Override for research cost. Uses multipliers above and building requirements if not set.
instantTransfer boolean false Whether this block has instant transfer.
quickRotate boolean true Whether you can rotate this block after it is placed.
allowDerelictRepair boolean true If true, this derelict block can be repair by clicking it.
subclass Class<?> class Main subclass. Non-anonymous.
selectScroll float 0.0 Scroll position for certain blocks.
buildType Prov null Building that is created for this block. Initialized in init() via reflection. Set manually if modded.
configurations ObjectMap<Class<?>,Cons2> new ObjectMap<>() Configuration handlers by type.
itemFilter boolean[] [] Consumption filters.
liquidFilter boolean[] [] Consumption filters.
consumers Consume[] [] Array of consumers used by this block. Only populated after init().
optionalConsumers Consume[] [] Array of consumers used by this block. Only populated after init().
nonOptionalConsumers Consume[] [] Array of consumers used by this block. Only populated after init().
updateConsumers Consume[] [] Array of consumers used by this block. Only populated after init().
hasConsumers boolean false Set to true if this block has any consumers in its array.
consPower ConsumePower null The single power consumer, if applicable.
regionRotated1 int -1 Regions indexes from icons() that are rotated. If either of these is not -1, other regions won't be rotated in ConstructBlocks.
regionRotated2 int -1 Regions indexes from icons() that are rotated. If either of these is not -1, other regions won't be rotated in ConstructBlocks.
region TextureRegion null
editorIcon TextureRegion null
customShadowRegion TextureRegion null
teamRegion TextureRegion null
teamRegions TextureRegion[] null
variantRegions TextureRegion[] null
variantShadowRegions TextureRegion[] null
dumpTime int 5 How often to try dumping items in ticks, e.g. 5 = 12 times/sec